Acciona will supply renewable energy to the Repsol Polímeros petrochemical complex in Sines, Portugal, reported the company, which has highlighted that this is its largest contract for the sale of electricity to large customers in the Portuguese market.
According to the same source, the contract, won by Acciona Green Energy Developments, consolidates the activity of marketing electricity from renewable sources to the final customer in Portugal, a line of business that started in 2015 and expects to reach 276 gigawatt hours (GWh ) Supplied this year.
The contract with Repsol Polímeros provides for the delivery of 165 GWh of electricity from January 1 to December 31 of this year, explained Acciona in a statement, which indicates that this volume of energy will avoid the annual emission of more than 158,000 tons of CO2 in coal plants.
Acciona produces approximately 390 GWh of renewable electricity annually in Portugal, a country belonging together with Spain to the Iberian Electricity Market (MIBEL), which integrates the electrical systems of both countries.
This production comes from operating facilities in Portugal totaling 165.5 megawatts (MW), of which 119.7 MW are wind (19 parks) and 45.8 are from the Amareleja (Moura) photovoltaic plant.