Covestro continues MDI production in Tarragona

Covestro has resolved to continue manufacturing the rigid foam precursor MDI in Tarragona (Spain). The plant closure that had originally been planned for the end of 2017 has been suspended for the time being. The main reason for this decision was the significant increase in demand for MDI.
Furthermore, Covestro has managed to secure the supply of important raw materials – in particular chlorine – from local providers at Tarragona’s chemical complex for the next years beyond the end of 2017.
The decision is a clear statement that Covestro remains committed to the MDI market, and will investigate various options for additional MDI to cover the growing demand, including the plans to increase MDI production at its German site in Brunsbüttel.

MDI is an important component in the manufacture of polyurethane rigid foam, which is amongst other applications used for effective building insulation and along the entire cold chain. The energy savings achieved lead to reductions in CO2 emissions.