Qatar, Spain’s main supplier of natural gas last July

Net imports of natural gas in July reached 38,655 gigawatt hours (GWh), which represents an increase of 63.6% compared to the same month of 2018, according to Cores data.
Specifically, in the seventh month of the year net imports made through a gas pipeline decreased by 14.1%, while those of liquefied natural gas (LNG) soared 158.1%.
In July, natural gas imports stood at 39,827 GWh, which represents an increase of 36.5% compared to the same month last year. 69.2% was imported in a liquid state, while the remaining 30.8% was made through a gas pipeline.
By geographical areas, imports from Central and South America (-24.5%) and Africa (-27.2%) decreased, while they increased from Europe and Euroasia (+ 233.7%) and from the Middle East (+ 257.3%).
In July, the main supplier of natural gas to Spain was Qatar (24.2%), which presented its historical maximum since data is available, that is, since 2004, followed by Algeria (21.2%), the usual main supplier.
Exports of natural gas stood at 1,171.5 GWh, 78.9% less compared to July last year, being the lowest since 2010. In year-on-year terms, those made through a gas pipeline decreased ( -58.8%) as in liquid form (-98.9%).
Portugal continues to be the main export destination (97.7% of the total), while France shows a notable decrease compared to July 2018 (-98.0%).