F.A.Q. Frequently Asked Questions on COVID-19 contingency measures at the Spanish, Gibraltar, Moroccan & Portuguese Ports

The State of Alarm has officially been extended until 24 May easing the restrictions to children.
Government of Spain will apply further de-escalating measures as of second half of May that will be agreed within the next days.

Ministerial Order INT/356/2020 dated 20 April extends the temporary restrictions for non-essential travels from third countries to EU and Schengen territory. This MO specifically allows the embarking and disembarking of crew members.

Royal Decree-Law 15/2020 published 22 April establishes economic measures during Covid-19 crisis. There are no significant measures applicable to tanker market sector, except VAT exemption to purchases of goods to fight against Covid-19 effects like Ethanols.


Our FAQs on COVID-19 contingency measures at:


WHO Operational considerations for managing COVID-19 cases or outbreaks on board Ships (Interim guidance 25 March 2020)

Circular Letter No.4204 Add.6 Coronavirus (COVID-19) – Preliminary list of recommendations for Governments and relevant national authorities on the facilitation of maritime trade during the COVID-19 pandemic dated 27 March 2020

Communication from the Government of the Kingdom of Spain, IMO Circular Letter No.4247 dated 3 April 2020

Communication from the Commission with Guidelines on protection of health, repatriation and travel arrangements for seafarers, passengers and other persons on board ships dated Brussels 8 April 2020